Package management goodness Debian style
- apt-get update #this tells your system what new and updated packages exist.
- apt-get -u upgrade #this does the magic, the “-u” tells it to tell you whats up before moving forward.
Easy eh?
How about looking for a package, lets say you want GIMP (Graphic Image Manipulation Program). Let’s find it:
apt-cache search gimp
apt-cache search kernel | grep 2.6
Ohhhh, now we’re getting fancy.
Now let’s install GIMP:
apt-get install gimp
Didn’t like GIMP, let’s remove it:
apt-get remove gimp
There are many more features to APT, so if you haven’t tried a Debian based OS, like Debian, Ubuntu or Kubuntu, load up VirtualBox and create a Debian based VM to tinker with.
Soon I’ll discuss apt-cacher-ng, so you can run a caching apt repo in your house or office to save bandwidth when you have multiple Debian based workstations or servers.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ March 23, 2011 12:45 pm
Tags: apt, debian, package management, ubuntu