OVF deployment canceled by user
I got stuck on an error, when trying to use ovftool to move 2 of my 8 virtual machines. The error was “OVF deployment canceled by user”.
OVF deployment canceled by user
I was working on a Dell R710 esxi server, and I had successfully moved 6 VMs.
2 stubborn VMs remained unmigrated. No matter what I tried they failed to make the move every time. The only error was “OVF deployment canceled by user”.
The deployment was NOT canceled by this user!
A Potential Fix for “OVF deployment canceled by user”
If you see this error, here is one solution that might just fix it!
Edit the virtual machine settings and verify that the CD/DVD drive is set to Datastore ISO. If so, change it Client Device then save settings by clicking OK. Go back in and double check to ensure that it really changed it, if there’s another task running, it may fail and you’ll have to try to change the CD/DVD setting again.
Hopefully this will fix your “OVF deployment canceled by user” errors.
Found this fix on https://communities.vmware.com/thread/431021?tstart=0
Filed under: Configs,Tips & Tricks,Uncategorized - @ February 9, 2017 9:48 pm