Want to archive all your email to a server that you control and have it searchable? Here’s how to configure Dovecot to support Full Text Search using Jetty and Solr.
Libreboot grub.cfg without full disk Encryption
Instructions to help you setup libreboot grub.cfg (grubtest.cfg) when you don’t use full disk encryption.
Fetchmail and Procmail with Spamassassin and ClamAV
I need to pull mail from my internet hosting provider into my internal IMAP server. This formula requires an IMAP server (in my case Dovecot), and running fetchmail (to get the mail from the hosting server), procmail (to move the process the mail, then get it to the proper Maildir). Procmail will also need to […]
Ubiquiti UniFi Controller in an Debian LXC Container
I wanted to avoid adding MongoDB and a bunch of Java to existing VMs, so installing Ubiquiti UniFi Controller in an Debian LXC Container was the perfect option!
Clone a Virtual Machine from the Command Line Using ESXi
Need to Clone a Virtual Machine from the Command Line Using ESXi because you don’t have VCenter? This post will show you how.
OVF deployment canceled by user
I got stuck on an error, when trying to use ovftool to move 2 of my 8 virtual machines. The error was “OVF deployment canceled by user”.
DD-WRT Universal Repeater for Atheros
Need a DD-WRT Universal Repeater for Atheros, to share a wireless signal to your wifi hosts? Here is how I got it to work on my Dlink DIR-825 (Dual Radio)
Optimize WordPress to Reduce Load
Is your Wordpress blog crushing your hosting service? Here are some tips to Optimize WordPress to reduce load and reduce CPU throttling!
Replace Courier Imap with Dovecot Imap
I’ve decided to replace Courier Imap with Dovecot Imap, due to some package issues in my distribution.
MSMTP randomize your outgoing SMTP servers
Everyone knows that there is no privacy in our communications, including email. While we can’t stop that, we can make it harder for them.