Free TV used to be the standard. Here is a cord cutting guide to help you return to free TV or to drastically cut the costs associated with TV programming.
SYNC with MyFord Touch USB Black Screen or Crashes
Got an USB drive that seems to crash your SYNC with MyFord Touch. If you’re tired of the black screen or locked up controls, read on!
Migrate Notes from Evernote to Zim
Looking to move your notes from Evernote to Zim? Here are simple steps to guide you through this migration.
Clone a Virtual Machine from the Command Line Using ESXi
Need to Clone a Virtual Machine from the Command Line Using ESXi because you don’t have VCenter? This post will show you how.
OVF deployment canceled by user
I got stuck on an error, when trying to use ovftool to move 2 of my 8 virtual machines. The error was “OVF deployment canceled by user”.
Eject CD from iMac
I just installed Linux on my early 2008 iMac. After the install finished the CD didn’t eject. Subsequent reboots just booted from the cdrom again and again.
Rsync over SSH when directory names have spaces
Rsync is a great tool for syncing directories, here’s how to rsync over SSH when directory names have spaces!
Verify that Host is VPN’ed
Sometimes you want to verify that a remote host is currently connected to a VPN, before performing an additional action. Here is a script to verify that host is VPN’ed
Optimize WordPress to Reduce Load
Is your Wordpress blog crushing your hosting service? Here are some tips to Optimize WordPress to reduce load and reduce CPU throttling!