Tired of the 5 page limit of free fax services? Time to send 6 pages or more? Here’s some tips and methods to make sure your Linux faxing is actually working.
Libreboot grub.cfg without full disk Encryption
Instructions to help you setup libreboot grub.cfg (grubtest.cfg) when you don’t use full disk encryption.
Booting Linux from USB on a Zotac ZBOX Nano
None of the documentation for the Zotac ZBOX Nano mention any Linux support, but Booting Linux from USB on a Zotac ZBOX Nano is easy once you get the right BIOS settings.
Eject CD from iMac
I just installed Linux on my early 2008 iMac. After the install finished the CD didn’t eject. Subsequent reboots just booted from the cdrom again and again.
Mounting a Drobo with Samba
Having trouble mounting a drobo with samba? It might be the NTLM version of the old Droboshare!
Stealth Laptop
A stealth laptop is required for anonymous use and should be employed on public open wifi networks.
Installing Scuttle, a Delicious alternative
Want more privacy and control over your saved bookmarks? Try Installing Scuttle, a Delicious alternative!
SSH dump to Tape host
SSH dump to Tape host
Tape Backup Script
Tape Backup Script